- 聯系人:
- 黃閣
- 電話:
- 021-57676935
- 手機:
- 17821770970
- 售后:
- 021-61310486
- 傳真:
- 86-021-57676935
- 地址:
- 上海市松江區環城路886-24號202室
- 個性化:
- www.shgdco.cn
burkert 8012流量測量儀特點:
• Economic integration in pipe systems without any additional piping
• Optic or magnetic measuring principle
• Configurable output: 1 analog 4...20 mA and/or 1 transistor output (frequency or switch)
• Outputs configurable (through interface on USB port with PC)
burkert 8012流量測量儀:
,burkert 8012流量計,burkert8012,寶德8012流量計,8012寶德流量計,寶德流量計還有其他型號如:burkert 8025,burkert 8035。在電力工業生產中,對液體、氣體、蒸汽等介質流量的測量和調節占有重要地位。流量計量的準確與否不僅對保證發電廠在*參數下運行具有很大的經濟意義,而且隨著高溫高壓大容量機組的發展,流量測量已成為保證發電廠安全運行的重要環節。如大容量鍋爐瞬時給水流量中斷或減少,都可能造成嚴重的干鍋或爆管事故。這就要求流量測量裝置不但應做到準確計量,而且要及時地發出報警信號。
The 8012 is made up of a fitting (S012) and an electronic module (SE12) connected together with screws. The Bürkert designed fitting system ensures simple installation into all pipes from DN06 to DN65. It can also be installed in fluid block systems。