- 聯系人:
- 黃閣
- 電話:
- 021-57676935
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- 17821770970
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- 021-61310486
- 傳真:
- 86-021-57676935
- 地址:
- 上海市松江區環城路886-24號202室
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- www.shgdco.cn
burkert電導率可直觀的菜單結構、寶德電導率8222可拆卸的編程模塊、burkert 8222可通過編程模塊上傳/下載數據、burkert8222電導率變送器帶可編程的輸出信號,還包括來個晶體管輸出信號、burkert 8202PH變送器外形美觀、儀過程為導向的結構,通過一個或兩個4-20MA模擬量進行電導率和溫度輸出。該變送器實際為適用于個各種測量范圍,可配置兩線和三線制供貨。智能化、集成化、外形美觀,可與多種接頭配套。
burkert S022 BURKERT 8802 burkert 2030 burkert 8044 burkert 8611
寶德8222簡單介紹:The conductivity meter consists of a sensor,plugged-in and pined to the transmitter (with removable display). The sensor comprises a cell with two electrodes and a Pt1000 temperature probe. The sensor itself is available with three different cell constants C, these with C=0.01 or 0.1 are fitted with stainless steel electrodes and those with C=1.0 are fitted with graphite electrodes.
burkert 8222訂貨號:
559618 562394 559620 559614 559624 559610 559638 559622 559619 562395 559621 562397 559615 559625 559617 559627 559639 559613 559623