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PeproGrow-1 Serum-Free Cell Culture Supplement Kit
參考價 | 面議 |
- 型號 700-C100
- 品牌 PeproTech
- 廠商性質 代理商
- 所在地 重慶市
更新時間:2015-06-18 15:25:48瀏覽次數:1796
PeproGrow-1 (Catalog # 700-C100) is designed to be used as a supplement to serum-free cell culture media formulations that can sustain the growth of adherent mammalian cell lines, and has been tested with HEK-293, HeLa, and A549 cells. This kit could potentially improve the culturing conditions of other adherent cells, but suitability for cells other than those pre-tested is not guaranteed. PeproGrow-1 is protein-free, has a chemically defined composition, and does not contain any animal-derived materials. It is intended specifically to be used with DMEM/F12 basal media (Invitrogen catalog # 10565*) and contains enough material to supplement 10L of media.
*For customers outside the USA, use Invitrogen Catalog #31331
PeproGrow-1(目錄號700-C100)被設計為可以使用作為補充的無血清細胞培養基的制劑,可以維持粘附的哺乳動物細胞系的生長,并已經過測試與HEK-293,HeLa細胞,和A549細胞。該試劑盒可以潛在地改善其它貼壁細胞的培養條件,但適宜的細胞比預先測試其它不被保證。 PeproGrow-1是無蛋白質,具有化學上確定的成分,并且不包含任何動物來源的材料。它的目的是特別要與DMEM / F12基礎培養基中使用(Invitrogen公司目錄#10565*)和含有足夠的材料,以補充媒體10L。
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