Cellabs克氏錐蟲(Trypanosoma cruzi)檢測試劑盒
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克氏錐蟲(Trypanosoma cruzi)檢測試劑盒
廣州健侖長期供應各種生物原料,主要代理品牌:美國Seracare、西班牙Certest、美國Fuller、美國NOVABIOS、 Cellabs等等。
克氏錐蟲(Trypanosoma cruzi)檢測試劑盒
該公司的Crypto/Giardia Cel IFA是國標*推薦的兩蟲檢測IFA染色試劑、Crypto Cel Antibody Reagent是UK DWI水質安全評估檢測的*抗體。
公司的主要產品有:隱孢子蟲診斷試劑,賈第蟲診斷試劑,瘧疾診斷試劑,衣原體檢測試劑,絲蟲診斷試劑,錐蟲診斷試劑等。Cellabs 的瘧疾ELISA試劑盒成為臨床上的一個重要的診斷工具盒科研上的重要鑒定工具。其瘧疾抗原HRP-2 ELISA檢測試劑盒和瘧疾抗體ELISA檢測試劑盒已經成為醫學研究所的*試劑盒。Cellabs產品主要包括以下幾種方法學:直接(DFA)和間接(IFA)免疫熒光法,酶聯免疫吸附試驗(ELISA),和膠體金快速測試。所有產品都是按照GMP、CE標志按照ISO13485。
貨號 | 產品名稱 | 產品描述 | 規格 | |
免疫熒光試劑盒(IFA kit) | ||||
KR1 | Crypto Cel | 隱孢子蟲(Cryptosporidium)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑 | 50 Test | |
KR2 | Crypto/Giardia Cel | 隱孢子蟲&賈第蟲(Cryptosporidium & Giardia)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑 | 50 Test | |
KG1 | Giardia Cel | 賈第蟲(Giardia)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑 | 50 Test | |
KC1 | Chlamydia Cel | 沙眼衣原體(Chlamydia trachomatis)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑 | 50 Test | |
KC2 | Chlamydia Cel LPS | 衣原體 lipopolysaccharide (LPS)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑 | 50 Test | |
KC3 | Chlamydia Cel Pn | 肺炎衣原體(Chlamydia pneumoniae)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑 | 50 Test | |
KP1 | Pneumo Cel | 卡氏肺孢子蟲(Pneumocystis carinii)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑 | 50 Test | |
KP2 | Pneumo Cel Indirect | 卡氏肺孢子蟲( Pneumocystis carinii)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑 | 50 Test | |
酶免試劑盒 ELISA kit | ||||
KG2 | Giardia CELISA | 賈第蟲(Giardia)ELISA kit | 96 Test | |
KE1 | Entamoeba CELISA Path | 溶組織內阿米巴(Entamoeba histolytica) ELISA kit | 96 Test | |
KF1 & KF2 | Filariasis CELISA | 班氏絲蟲(Wuchereria bancrofti ) ELISA kit |
| |
KM2 | Malaria Antigen (HRP2) CELISA | 惡性瘧原蟲(Plasmodium falciparum) 抗原 ELISA kit | 192 Test | |
KMC3 | Pan Malaria Antibody CELISA | 間日、三日、惡性及卵形瘧疾(Malaria)ELISA IgG kit | 192 Test | |
KT2 | T. cruzi IgG CELISA | 克氏錐蟲(Trypanosoma cruzi) ELISA IgG kit | 192 Test | |
KT3 | Toxocara IgG CELISA | 弓首線蟲(Toxocara canis) ELISA IgG kit | 192 Test | |
KF3 | Filariasis Ab (Bm14) CELISA | 淋巴絲蟲病(lymphatic filariasis) ELISA IgG kit | 480 Test | |
KM7 | Quantimal™ pLDH Malaria CELISA | 瘧疾pLDH抗體檢測 ELISA kit | 96 Test |
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-3室
由腦、脊髓發出到達自主神經節的纖維叫做節前纖 維。由神經節發出支配效應器的纖維叫做節后纖維。交感神經的節前 纖維和較多數目的節后神經元形成突觸,故交感神經活動一般比較彌 散;副交感神經的節前纖維僅和少數的節后神經元相連,故副交感神 經的活動常比較局限。一般內臟器官都有交感與副交感神經的雙重支 配。交感神經與副交感神經的拮抗作用。交感、副交感對于接受雙重 神經支配的器官的作用,一般是相互拮抗的。例如交感神經使心搏加 速,胃腸運動變慢;副交感神經使心搏變慢,胃腸運動加強。但這種 拮抗作用是相輔相成的。此外交感神經興奮時常伴有腎上腺髓質的分 泌,因此稱交感腎上腺系統。迷走神經興奮時常伴有胰島的分泌,所 以又稱迷走-胰島系統。從能量代謝的角度看,交感神經的功能可促進 能量消耗,而副交感神經的功能則加強能量儲存,這兩者也是相輔相 成的。因為消耗后更便于儲存,而儲存正是為了以后的消耗。緊張性 效應。在安靜狀態下,自主神經纖維經常有低頻的傳出沖動傳到效應 器,起著輕微的經常刺激作用,稱緊張性效應。例如切斷支配心臟的 迷走或交感神經,可分別使心搏加快或減慢,這說明未切斷前迷走神 經使心搏減慢,交感神經使心搏加速。但兩個比較,則因動物種屬而 異,如家兔,交感效應較強;馬則迷走效應較強。交感-腎上腺活動與 應急反應。當動物遇到各種緊急情況,如劇烈運動、失血、酷寒時, 機體會發生一系列交感-腎上腺系統活動廣泛加強的現象叫應急反應( 應激反應)。美國生理學家W.B.坎農根據這種反應提出了應急學說。 這些反應包括:心搏加速,皮膚及內臟血管的廣泛收縮,支氣管擴張 、肝糖原分解加速等,其生理意義在于動員機體各種潛在力量以適應 環境的劇變。如果切除動物的交感神經鏈,則動物應付緊急情況的能 力就大為減弱。自主神經系統是由中樞神經系統低級部位支配的一個 特殊系統。
The fibers that reach the autonomic ganglion from the brain and spinal cord are called preganglionic fibers. Fibers that govern the effector by the ganglion are called postganglionic fibers. Sympathetic preganglionic fibers and a large number of postganglionic neurons form synapses, so sympathetic nerve activity is generally diffuse; parasympathetic preganglionic fibers are only connected to a few postganglionic neurons, so the activities of parasympathetic nerves are often limited. . In general, the internal organs have a dual support of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Sympathetic and parasympathetic antagonism. The role of sympathetic and parasympathetic organs in accepting dual innervation is generally antagonistic. For example, the sympathetic nerve accelerates the heartbeat, and the gastrointestinal motility slows; the parasympathetic nerves slow the heartbeat and strengthen the gastrointestinal motility. However, this antagonism is complementary. In addition, sympathetic nerve activity is often accompanied by secretion of the adrenal medulla, so it is called the sympathetic adrenal system. The vagus nerve is often accompanied by the secretion of islets, which is also called the vagal-islet system. From the perspective of energy metabolism, the function of the sympathetic nerves can promote energy expenditure, while the function of the parasympathetic nerves enhances energy storage, both of which complement each other. Because it is more convenient to store after consumption, the storage is for future consumption. Stress effect. In a quiet state, autonomic nerve fibers often have low-frequency outgoing impulses that reach the effector and act as a slight regular stimulus, called a stressor effect. For example, severing the vagus or sympathetic nerve that innervates the heart can accelerate or slow down the heartbeat, respectively, which indicates that the heartbeat slows down before the vagus nerve is dissected and the sympathetic nerve accelerates the heartbeat. However, the two comparisons are different depending on the animal species. For example, rabbits have a stronger sympathetic effect, while Ma has a stronger vagal effect. Sympathetic - adrenal activity and emergency response. When animals encounter various emergencies, such as strenuous exercise, blood loss, and cold, the body undergoes a series of sympathetic-adrenal system activities that are extensively enhanced and called emergency responses (stress reactions). American physiologist W.B. Cannon proposed emergency theory based on this reaction. These reactions include: accelerated heart rate, extensive contraction of skin and visceral blood vessels, bronchiectasis, acceleration of glycogenolysis, etc. The physiological significance lies in mobilizing various potential forces of the body to adapt to the drastic changes in the environment. If the animal's sympathetic chain is excised, the animal's ability to deal with emergencies is greatly reduced. The autonomic nervous system is a special system governed by the lower parts of the central nervous system.
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