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來源:上海菁園科技有限公司   2022年10月18日 10:16  



Ziehl-Abegg (Kuenzelsau, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) is one of the leading global companies in the field of ventilation, control and drive technology. Back in the Fifties, Ziehl-Abegg established the basis for modern fan drives: external rotor motors which even today are still seen as state-of-the-art worldwide. Another area of business is electric motors which provide the power, for example, for elevators, medical applications (computer tomography equipment) or deep-sea underwater vehicles. The theme of electro-mobility for motor vehicles was established as part of the Ziehl-Abegg Automotive Team in 2012. 

The high-tech company has an impressive innovative capability. Ziehl-Abegg employs 2,000 personnel in its production plants in Southern Germany. The company has a global workforce of 3,550 spread between 16 production plants, 27 companies and 97 sales locations. The products, approx. 30,000 in all, are sold in more than 100 countries. Turnover in 2016 totalled 484 million euros, with exports accounting for three quarters of the figure.

Emil Ziehl founded the company in Berlin in 1910 as a manufacturer of electric motors. After the Second World War the company’s headquarters were relocated to Southern Germany. Ziehl-Abegg SE is not a listed company but instead is family-owned



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