項目 Item | 技術指標 Technical index | |
溫度 Temperature | 調節范圍 Adjustment scope | -10~80℃ |
調節精度 Adjustment precision | ±0.5℃(波動 fluctuation),±1.0℃(偏差deviation) | |
測量精度 Measuring precision | ±0.1℃ | |
相對濕度 Relative humidity | 調節范圍 Adjustment scope | 40~70%R.H.(溫度20-30℃時) |
調節精度 Adjustment precision | ±5%R.H.(偏差deviation) | |
測量精度 Measuring precision | ±1%R.H | |
通風量 Ventilation rate | 調節范圍 Adjustment scope | 60m3~200m3/h(換氣率1.0—3.0次/小時 air change rate: 1.0-3times/hour),設備運行初期置換內部空氣時大于此換氣率 |
調節精度 Adjustment precision | 通風量±5% Ventilation rate ±5% | |
測量精度 Measuring precision | ±0.5m3/h | |
環境箱工作室尺寸 Dimensions of the working room of environmental chamber | 6000×4000×2500mm=60m3(深×寬×高 depth×width×height) | |
環境試驗箱門的尺寸 Dimensions of the door of environmental test chamber | 2000×2000mm(高×寬 height×width) | |
環境箱內相對于箱外壓力 Pressure inside environmental test chamber relative to the pressure outside | 正壓 | |
噪聲Noise | <75dB | |
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