Agilent HP N7761A 可變光衰減器
Measurement capability
- Settling time: 20 ms attenuation, 100 ms power
- 0.1 to 1000 dB/s attenuation transition speed (selectable)
- +23 dBm input power
- ≤ 1.2 dB insertion loss
System capability
- Single attenuator instrument in one half-width rack unit
- Fully compatible with programs developed using the Agilent 8157x and 8156x modular attenuators
- Includes powerful and user-friendly GUI software
- Two instrument configurations can be stored and recalled
The Agilent N7761A variable optical attenuator offers exceptional performance at a low price.
Extension of N77xx-series
The N7761A attenuator is an extension to Agilent’s high density N77xx-family that establishes a new standard in space-saving fiberoptic instrumentation.
Features and Benefits
- Compact instrument combines and integrates multiple functions for setting attenuation and power levels and controlling optical power to reduce CAPEX and floor space.
- Fast and precise setting of optical power levels with settling times of 100 ms for improved test throughput.
- Active power control to keep output power constant
- The instrument can be controlled via LAN and USB, as well as GPIB for compatibility with existing equipment.
- An easy-to-use and intuitive graphical user interface software speeds up the integration process.
- Optical transceiver testing
- Optical network integration testing