I take charge of the main production biochemistry incubator; Illumination incubator; Vibrates the incubator; Strict oxygen incubator; Water bath oscillator; Gas bath oscillator; HY series oscillator; Mixes fast uniform; Micro oscillator; Penicillin oscillator; Kang oscillator, decolorization table, magnetic force heating mixer; Collection hot -like magnetic force mixer; Controls the warm electrically operated mixer; Six association electrically operated mixers; Precise electrically operated mixer; Electrically operated mixer; Organizes the stamp mill; Adjustable high speed refiner; Solid sample grinder; Imports the multi-purpose grinders; Electrically operated agitation glass constant temperature water-bath; Low temperature super constant temperature water trough; The number reveals the constant temperature water-bath; The number reveals three uses the water tank; Super constant temperature oil bath; The number reveals the constant temperature oil bath; Stainless steel electric hot plate; Adjusts the warm electric hot plate; Stainless steel constant temperature Taiwan; The number reveals the constant temperature board Taiwan; Seals up the electric stove; Stainless steel lift table; Electrically operated centrifuge; The colony counter, the formaldehyde analyzer, the pen type acidometer, the laboratory acidometer, the cold atomic absorption finance mercury meter, the portable carbon monoxide cryoscope, the portable carbon monoxide cryoscope, the palm of the hand type carbon monoxide cryoscope, the portable carbon dioxide cryoscope, the infrared carbon dioxide cryoscope, the sulphur dioxide analyzer, the nitrogen dioxide analyzer, the digital acidometer, the infrared thermodetector, the digital thermodetector, the digital sound-level meter, the digital luxmeter, the digital humiture idea, the ionic activity idea, the atmospheric sampling instrument, the dust sampling instrument, the emanometer, the moisture cryoscope, the completely automatic moisture cryoscope, the fast colorimetric estimation meter, the digital constant temperature resolution
公司名稱 | 常州一諾儀器制造有限公司 |
成立日期 | 2014年06月26日【已認證】 |
注冊資本 | 人民幣100萬元 【已認證】 |
法定代表人 | 王超群【已認證】 |
注冊號 | 320482000114007【已認證】 |
營業期限 | 長期【已認證】 |
登記機關 | 常州市金壇區市場監督管理局【已認證】 |
企業類型 | 有限責任公司(自然人獨資)【已認證】 |
經營范圍 | 儀器儀表、實驗室設備、五金配件的生產制造加工及銷售(依法須經批準的項目,經相關部門批準后方可開展經營活動)【已認證】 |
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